5 Year Strategic Planning Process
Click below for the Strategic Plan

The Strategic Plan was presented to the public at the
Board of Education meeting on May 8, 2023.
2023-28 Final Strategic Planning Video
2023-28 Strategic Planning Summary Report
2023-28 Strategic Plan Poster

5-Year Strategic Planning Sessions
The Denville School District Board of Education and Administration would like to thank the public for supporting our strategic plan.
The Administration will begin the process of finalizing the plan and creating action items. We will present the final plan at a Board
meeting in the Spring of 2023.
Strategic Planning Meeting #1
Strategic Planning Meeting #2
Strategic Planning Meeting #3
Educate, Empower, Excel
The Denville School District's mission is to educate and
empower all students to excel.
As the district embarks on the 2028 5-Year Strategic Planning Process, it is important that Parents, Faculty, Administrators, Students and Community Members come out and participate. Everyone is encouraged to come to all or only one of the three Strategic Planning Sessions.
The Strategic Planning Process creates an organizational vision for the school district that will direct, motivate and inspire all members of the community to work together to advance student achievement.
The Strategic Planning Process evaluates three important questions:
- Where we are now?
- Where do we want to be in 5 years?
- and How are we going to get there?
You are invited to participate in this exciting process. Please join us.