Gifted and Talented Program

Gifted and Talented Program: ExPO - Expanded Program Opportunities

Gifted and Talented Philosophy

Gifted and talented students may be described as those students who possess or demonstrate high levels of ability, in one or more content areas, when compared to their chronological peers in the local district and who require modification of their educational program if they are to achieve in accordance with their capabilities. (N.J.A.C. 6A:8 NJ Standards and Assessment for Student Achievement).

The National Association for Gifted Children cites the Elementary and Secondary Education Act definition of gifted and talented as students, children, or youth who give evidence of high achievement capability in areas such as intellectual, creative, artistic, or leadership capacity, or in specific academic fields, and who need services and activities not ordinarily provided by the schools in order to fully develop those capabilities.

The purpose of Denville's Gifted and Talented program, ExPO (Expanded Program Opportunities) is to provide intensive and sustained support to individuals who would benefit from challenges above and beyond grade level standards and expectations.

Pursuant to New Jersey regulations, gifted and talented services are implemented in grades K-8. Enrichment is achieved in Kindergarten-Grade 2 through whole class and individualized/differentiated instruction in the classroom and within a variety of special subjects. In grades three through eight, The ExPO program is provided for students identified as needing services through Gifted and Talented. These students are identified near the end of second and fifth grades through the use of a district identification process. Once students are identified in the elementary and middle school ExPO program, they will be monitored annually for the continuing appropriateness of the program.
In addition to the ExPO program, advanced classes are offered in grades 6-8, including seven high school level courses.  (Honors Algebra 1, Honors Geometry, Honors Biology, French 1 & 2, and Spanish 1 & 2)

Eligibility Considerations

Denville Township Schools acknowledge that students who are classified as learning disabled may be twice exceptional and in need of services through Gifted and Talented. Students whose disability may preclude meaningful standardized achievement testing, will be considered for the program if statistical evidence of superior cognitive ability can be otherwise demonstrated. This must take the form of an approved cognitive abilities test or professional evaluation. In such cases, the achievement requirements may be waived by the identification committee.

ExPO Identification Committee

The identification committee for gifted and talented shall be comprised of the Assistant Superintendent, building principals, gifted & talented teachers, and representative classroom teachers.

Dr. Sandra L. Cullis

Assistant Superintendent Curriculum & Instruction

1 St. Mary's Place, Denville, NJ 07834

Phone: 973-983-6530 ext. 4407

Fax: 973-784-4778

E-mail: [email protected]

District Gifted and Talented Teacher

Jessica Llaneza

[email protected]

ExPO Identification Process(PDF - 28 KB)

Gifted and Talented PASS Presentation(PDF - 3.82 MB)

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